Frequently Asked Questions
Teachers will begin contacting families in late August and early September. Kleos also hosts Parent Orientation meetings the week before school starts. These meetings will introduce you to Kleos team members and answer many of your questions.
Every student and family is unique. Some families are up and ready to learn in the early hours of the day while others like to take their time and ease into learning. There is no prescribed combination as to when or how long it will take a student to do their lessons. We encourage families to come up with a schedule that works for their needs. The main focus is for students to remain engaged and actively leanring.
The Kleos Service Provider Coordinator and the school based team work hard to find professionals to support students who qualify for special education services. Once individual service providers have been found, we interview each candidate to determine qualifications and fit. Each new service provider must also complete a criminal record check through the Ministry of Justice, as per the Ministry of Education requirements. While we work hard to streamline this process, it’s not unusual to experience a slight delay in clearing new service providers, especially in September when all schools are lining up services. Services can not commence until Kleos can confirm the CRC and a contract are in place.
Your teacher is always your best first point of contact if you have questions, concerns, or ideas. We want to hear from you and celebrate successes with you! We also need to hear what isn’t working for you so that we can adjust, tweak, or change your child’s program. At Kleos we truly believe that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all education.
As the parent in a home learning scenario, your role is that of facilitator; making sure the stage is set for your child to reach their highest potential no matter what their personalized program goals are. Learning is most successful when parents are actively engaged in the learning process by creating a schedule in collaboration with the teacher, communicating with teachers at weekly check-ins via email, phone, or web conference, and taking learning off the page. For younger students who are building their independence, your role may be more hands on. For older students, parents may be there to support as a guide-on-the-side as they move toward more independent learning.
Typically, families supply similar resources and materials that they would if their child was attending a brick and mortar school. Paper, pens, art supplies, and any other consumable and non-curricular resources are the family’s responsibility. In a Online Learning school, families are additionally responsible to provide technology (computer, tablet, scanner, printer etc) and access to the internet.
Enrolling with an Online Learning school like Kleos mean your student will enjoy a rich education program that is planned, delivered, instructed, and assessed by one of our BC certified teachers. Home Learners meet all the learning standards of the current BC Ministry of Education curriculum.
Registering as a homeschooler under Section 12 of the School Act means your family is free to explore dynamic learning as you see fit without being obligated to follow BC learning standards. Registered homeschoolers are not overseen by a BC certified teacher. Homeschoolers have access to an array of resources. For more information or to register please contact Kleos here.
Yes. Students in BC must be enrolled or registered by September 30th each school year in compliance with the school act. We have limited spaces available for the upcoming school year!