You're In the Spotlight!
In the Spotlight
Welcome Jen!
We liked our ‘In the Spotlight’ post so much we thought we’d make it a series featuring different members of the Kleos community. From parents to teachers to service providers, you’ll get to know a little bit more about our amazing community member’s stories! And we couldn’t be more excited to kick off our very first non-staff interview with long time Kleos parent, Jen Webster!
Who are you and where are you from (or in other words, tell us a little bit about yourself!)?
My name is Jen Webster and I am originally from a small town in Alabama. I have lived in British Columbia, Canada for nearly 18 years. We lived for 6 years in the Richmond/Steveston area before moving to Quesnel in the interior in February of 2007. I am a homemaker and an artisan.
How many kids do you have?
I have 1 child, Molly.
What’s the best part of being a parent?
The best part of being a parent is watching your child grow into this amazing human being!
And the worst?
The worst part of being a parent is having to watch your child struggle with challenges and feeling powerless to help them at times.
We feel you on both of those! So, how long have you been with Kleos?
We have been with Kleos now for our 6th school year!
Wow! That’s a long time! Okay, real talk time, what do you love about Distributed Learning / home learning and what do you really not love about it?
I have to tell you that Distributed Learning/ Home Learning has been the best decision we have ever made. We have so much support and help from our team at Kleos and the staff treats us like family. We couldn't imagine this journey without them. It has been so great. The only thing I really don't like about it is that I wished there was more interaction with other students. I know that Molly is shy at times, but she does want to connect with other kids like herself. Finding her tribe would be awesome. We do try to connect locally here with other home schooled kids, but it is often hard to find that connection.
That’s great feedback Jen! We are always looking at way we can improve the Kleos experience. Okay, more about you - if you could pick a dream profession to try, what would it be?
I would absolutely love to own a bookstore or craft shop somewhere in Ireland. :)
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items (food or tools or gadgets) would you take with you?
Food, water and Books!! Lots and lots of books!
We’re sensing a theme here! Also your dream job sounds like our dream store! Okay, next question, if you could meet a famous person from history, who would it be and why (if you have a reason)?
This is a very hard question to answer. I don't think I could choose just one, though I am sure it would be a poet or a writer.
What do you do for self care to fill up your 'tank'?
I drink tea, lots of tea and reading or watching one of my favourite t.v. shows to help with self care.
Do you have a favourite colour, song, poem, dance move?
My favourite colour is green. There are too many wonderful songs to just pick one! One of my most favourite poems is Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost.
Ah, lovely! Our favourite line is, “And miles to go before I sleep.” Okay tell us then (we have a good guess) what do you do (just for you and just for fun) outside of being a parent and home learning with your kid(s)?
I absolutely love to read. My most favourite thing is to listen to an audio book and follow along with the book. It is a very enjoyable reading experience with a great narrator.
We love this idea! Definitely something to try over March break. Back to home learning for a minute, do you have a favourite education app or resource you’d like to spotlight?
My favourite education resources are Brainpop, Mathantics, Crash Course and Crash Course Kids on Youtube.
Those are great ones! Okay before we wrap up tell us, if you could give one piece of advice to a new family joining Kleos what would it be?
One piece of advice would be to not be afraid to advocate for your child. You know your child better than anyone, and if something is not working for them, don't be afraid to ask for something different or ask for help. Kleos has always been phenomenal in accommodating for our daughter's challenges and needs.
And last but not least, who should we spotlight next?
Sheri Dodd
Thanks Jen! That was fun and we loved learning more about you! Thanks for being such a great sport. Until next time - the Kleos Crew.